English & Literature
Who is Joseph Andrews from Joseph Andrews ; with Shamela ; and Related Writings: Authoritative Texts, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism and what is their importance?

Joseph Andrews is the protagonist of Fielding's "Joseph Andrews." He is employed at a young age by Sir Thomas Booby but becomes Lady Booby's attendant after capturing her attention at the age of seventeen. He accompanies her to London where she attempts to seduce him after her husband's death. At this point, Joseph is twenty-one years old. He is fairly tall with strong, elegant limbs and his legs and thighs are perfectly proportioned. He has broad shoulders and nut-brown hair which hangs in ringlets down his back. He has dark, sweet eyes, a Roman nose and even, white teeth. Accompanied by his beard, high forehead and neatness in dress, his air gives one the idea of nobility. Joseph is also very industrious, honest and chaste.