English & Literature
Who is John Thompson from A Grain of Wheat and what is their importance? A_Grain_of_Wheat English & Literature John Thompson | A Grain of Wheat

John Thompson, once an idealist, believes in the British culture. He also believed that the British Empire should create a world-wide country, spreading British culture to people of all races. His belief in world unity, however, crumbles under the reality of dealing with another culture. After years of working as part of the elite, white, British government of Kenya, Thompson views Africans as animals and children.
Thompson is the man who is responsible for beating Mugo mercilessly in the hope of making him confess. In their first meeting, Thompson spit in Mugo's face, and he later refused to believe Mugo's denials that he ever took a rebel oath. Because Mugo's suffering results in protest.... a hunger strike, Thompson's only accomplishment is the destruction of his own career.
A Grain of Wheat