English & Literature
Who is John Claggart, Master-at-arms from Great Short Works of Herman Melville and what is their importance? Great_Short_Works_of_Herman_Melville English & Literature "John Claggart

Claggart is a petty officer, the master-at-arms of Bellipotent; the title is a little misleading, as discussed in Chapter 8, because Claggart's official role aboard ship is to maintain order, somewhat like a police constable—he does not instruct anyone in the use of arms. Because of his role, Claggart is of necessity quite unpopular with the crew, who refer to him as Jimmy Legs. Claggart has several mates, including one nicknamed Squeak, who help him gather information and administer punishment. Claggart is thirty-five years old, spare and tall, and well-formed except for a large protruding chin that mars his appearance. He is possessed of an above-average intellect and has risen rapidly through the ranks, being first shipped some few years previous as a landsman.