English & Literature
Who is Johann Wilhelm Mobius from The Physicists and what is their importance? Die_Physiker English & Literature Johann Wilhelm Mobius | The Physicists

Johann Wilhelm Mobius is a mental patient under the care of Fraulein Doktor Mathilde Von Zahnd at an institution called Les Cerisiers. He is one of three patients, who live in the "villa" portion of the institution. Mobius, who once had a promising career as a physicist, began having visions of King Solomon before he attained his professorship. He even claimed that King Solomon visited him. His persistent visions eventually lead him to be institutionalized.
In Act II, Mobius claims his visions of King Solomon were a ruse, that he intentionally faked insanity because his scientific knowledge was too share with the world. He believes that by living in the institution, he is saving mankind. By the end of the act, the audience see Mobius as one of the most sane characters in the play.
The Physicists