English & Literature
Who is Johann Hummel from The Great Pianists and what is their importance?

Johann Hummel was born November 14, 1778, in Bohemia and was taught by Mozart in his own house for two years. Hummel's father took him on a four-year European tour at ten. Hummel served as Kapellmeister to Prince Eszterhazy from 1804 to 1811, and again in Weimar as Kapellmeister from 1820 to his death in 1837. He played a Viennese piano and was acknowledged for playing with a clear, even and steady rhythm. Hummel was an unpleasant appearing man with coarse, ungainly, slovenly dress, pock-marked face and diamond-ringed fingers. Despite being a refined musician among great classic pianists and improvisers, he "puffed, blew and perspired" as he played. Hummel represented a high point of the Vienna school, brilliant and powerful but classic and lacking passion.