English & Literature
Who is Joe Camber from Cujo and what is their importance? Cujo English & Literature Joe Camber | Cujo

Joe Camber is a mechanic who works from his farm in a remote area outside Castle Rock. Vic Trenton took his Jag to Joe Camber and was happy with his fair rates, so he recommends Joe to his wife when her carburetor beings acting up. While Joe is a good mechanic and fair in his prices, he is not a good husband. Joe is controlling and abusive with his wife. Joe is also becoming an alcoholic, spending more and more of his time drinking. It is perhaps because of Joe's drinking that he does not notice the signs in Cujo as he becomes insane with rabies. It is not until his friend Gary Pervier is killed that Joe finally realizes what Cujo has become. However, it is too late when this realization comes, because Cujo is so far gone that he does not recognize his beloved owner and he kills him too.