English & Literature
Who is Jholaa Kitheri u Darjan from Children of God: A Novel and what is their importance? Children_of_God_(novel) English & Literature Jholaa Kitheri u Darjan | Children of God: A Novel

The fourth-born sister of Hlavin Kitheri, Jholaa is rather implausibly married to a third-born merchant, Supaari VaGayjur, as part of her brother's plans to produce a new breeding line for the family. Jholaa has led a sheltered life in the palace and is innocent of all matters sexual, having never even seen Runa breed. She catches enough of the ritual words at her wedding to realize that she is being married, but is then shocked to find herself deflowered in front of everyone. She appears to bring fine physical traits to the bloodline, but hates the fetus from the start and vows that it will die rather than live an empty life like her own. Her husband realizes that a second mating is unlikely and grows depressed over her signs of insanity. The most memorable event of her childhood comes at age ten when, with help from her nurse, Srokan, Jholaa stays up past third sunset to see the moon—a feat horrifying for Jana'ata, who suffer extreme night blindness. Jholaa resents Hlavin's being exiled to Galatna Palace near Gayjur and in a fit of anger kills Srokan and her relatives, believing that Srokan's tales about foreign lands are lies. This leaves no one to warn Jholaa about what to expect at her wedding. Jholaa, with the rest of her family, is slaughtered by Hlavin, and the murders are blamed on her fugitive husband.