English & Literature
Who is Jeremiah from Ghost Girl: The True Story of a Child in Peril and the Teacher Who Saved Her and what is their importance?

Jeremiah is an eight-year-old Indian boy descended from the Sioux tribes. Although Jeremiah appears to be of average intelligence, he is mean, with a foul mouth. It is Jeremiah's behavior that has kept him out of regular classes. He was placed in the special education class as a last stop before custodial detention. Because Jeremiah is the only one in Torey's class who can speak well, it is with Jeremiah that Jadie has the most interaction. In one instance, Jadie attempts to show Jeremiah how she can get milk out of a puppy's penis. It is also Jeremiah who, at the end of the book, notices that as Jadie leaves the classroom with the social worker, she is standing up straight. Jeremiah's desire for Jadie to turn around and wave at them before she leaves also shows that Jeremiah has become emotionally connected to Jadie during their classes together even though he often appeared not to like her.