English & Literature
Who is Jassa, a.k.a. Dr. Josiah Harlan from Flashman and the Mountain of Light: From the Flashman Papers, 1845-46 and what is their importance? Flashman_and_the_Mountain_of_Light English & Literature "Jassa

Upon first meeting this character, Flashman thinks he is a "native assistant" and describes him as a "pock-marked, barrel-chested villain." In other words, Flashman takes an instant dislike to the man. Later, after Jassa has saved his life the first time, Flashman learns that his "native assistant" is really an American infamous for a variety of absurd schemes over the course of many years. Among Jassa's more notorious deeds include being a military doctor, attempting to have himself installed as a king, using an appointment as regional ruler to start a counterfeiting operation, and many more. Flashman sees a bit of himself in Jassa and keeps him on his staff, and this is a wise decision because Jassa saves Flashman's life more than once.