English & Literature
Who is Jane and Charles from London Transports and what is their importance? London_Transports English & Literature Jane and Charles | London Transports

Friends in nanny training school with Helen and Margaret, Jane has for ten years been the mistress of a fabulously wealthy and generous American industrialist, Charles, with whom she lives in the Ritz Hotel, surrounded by bodyguards. Greeting her friends in the foyer, Jane laughs at their exclamations of how young and beautiful she is; it is all purchased, she says. Jane takes them upstairs to meet Charles in order to convince him that they are truly old chums. Charles is a worried-looking, little old man, but his smile puts them at ease. In a Southern drawl, he talks of being "nervous" about Jane's acquaintances, since they are not tied together by marriage. Pleased by Helen's naïve Christian answer, Charles leaves with his retinue for a meeting.