English & Literature
Who is Jamie and Barbara from The Well of Loneliness and what is their importance? The_Well_of_Loneliness English & Literature Jamie and Barbara | The Well of Loneliness

Jamie and Barbara are a couple of women Mary and Stephen meet through Valerie Seymour. Jamie and Barbara both grew up in the same tiny village in the Highlands. When it became clear that Jamie was an invert, the village began pushing her away. Barbara talked Jamie into leaving the village together so that they might have a life alone together. Jamie brings them to Paris where she has arranged to attend music school. Jamie is very poor, but very proud. When Barbara becomes ill, Jamie refuses to take money from Stephen and Mary for her care. Eventually Barbara contracts double pneumonia and dies. Jamie asks Stephen and Mary to leave her alone with the body before the undertaker would come for it. When Stephen and Mary return the following morning, they find Jamie has shot herself. This event causes Mary great heartache, causing her to doubt her lifestyle and her ability to be happy.