English & Literature
Who is Igor from The Truth: A Novel of Discworld and what is their importance? The_Truth_(novel) English & Literature Igor | The Truth: A Novel of Discworld

The head of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch's forensic unit, Igor has a horrible face marked by eyes on different levels, ears of different sizes, a patchwork of scars, and a greasy rock star hairdo. He has two thumbs on his right hand. A native of Uberwald, he is like all Igors a fine surgeon and into self-improvement. Trying to be modern, he lisps only occasionally. His work table in the basement of the Palace sizzles with blue light. He is breeding swimming potatoes to provide instant fish and chips. Meeting protagonist William de Worde for the first time, Igor lets drop that the jailed Patrician has suffered a blow to the head, contradicting the official story that he falls from a horse. Victim Rufus Drumknott credits Igor with saving his arm. Igor is played for slapstick humor akin to the movie titled Young Frankenstein.