English & Literature
Who is Henry Vidal from The Wine-dark Sea and what is their importance? The_Wine-Dark_Sea English & Literature Henry Vidal | The Wine-dark Sea

Vidal is the acting second lieutenant on Surprise, having been raised from the forecastle. He is a master mariner and belongs to a religious group known as the Knipperdollings. The Knipperdolling faith is explained at some length by Martin during the novel, though the particulars are largely insignificant. They believe in an egalitarian and free society, and thus Vidal is easily swayed by Dutourd's constant philosophizing. While Vidal is a shrewd seaman, he is unused to the relatively free atmosphere of discussion and chatter allowed in the officers' mess—this may partially explain why he finds Dutourd's talk so compelling, as he perhaps mistakenly believes Dutourd's opinions are shared—at least tolerated—by the other officers.