English & Literature
Who is Henry Kalama from Moloka'i and what is their importance? Moloka'i_(novel) English & Literature Henry Kalama | Moloka'i

This is Rachel's father, and he remains devoted to his daughter throughout his life. For most of the novel, Henry is Rachel's only contact with her family. Henry is a sailor by vocation, and he is away from home for months at a time. During the weeks that Henry is at home in Honolulu with the family, he makes the most of the time taking the family on numerous outings around the island. After Rachel is sent to Kalaupapa, Henry writes frequently and sends packages. Henry's travels inspire Rachel's love of geography and her life-long desire to travel the world. When he can, Henry visits Rachel on Kalaupapa. Henry's love for Rachel never wanes. In his later years, he wishes he could be diagnosed with leprosy so he can go and live with Rachel on Kalaupapa. Rachel continues to learn about her father long after his death. When she learns the entire story, she realizes that Henry has endured more and is a kinder man than she could have ever imagined. Not all of the stories Henry tells Rachel over the years turn out to be true, but they do turn out to be further evidence of his love for her.