English & Literature
Who is Hard Candy Sweet from A Feast of Snakes and what is their importance? A_Feast_of_Snakes English & Literature Hard Candy Sweet | A Feast of Snakes

Candy Sweet, known as Hard Candy, is the head majorette of the school, and is dating the quarterback of the football team, Willard. Candy is much like her older sister, in that she is selfish, highly sexual, and cares little for others. She and Willard go on a violent spree throughout the novel, and Candy seems to consistently egg others on into danger and destruction. She comes alive with violence, and encourages it in others. When Willard and Joe Lon are lifting with Duffy, Candy tells Susan they will fight, but seems not to care. At the bar, she encourages and even participates in the harassment and torment of Poncy. It is Candy who suggests her sister needs loosened up, which Joe Lon takes literally, and it is Candy who sets up the meeting between Joe Lon and Berenice at the trailer. While Candy plays a minor role in the plotline, it is her character that shows the cycle of behaviors perpetuated by her older sister.