English & Literature
Who is Gwen Cooper from Here on Earth and what is their importance? Here_on_Earth_(novel) English & Literature Gwen Cooper | Here on Earth

Gwen Cooper is March's daughter. March brings Gwen to Jenkintown with her because the teenager has become wild, doing drugs and having sex even though she is only fifteen. Gwen is unhappy in Jenkintown until she meets Tarot, the racehorse Hollis still owns out of spite. Gwen goes to see Tarot daily, grooming him and riding him. At the same time, Gwen gets to know Hank Murray, her first cousin. Gwen and Hank fall in love, giving Gwen a reason to want to remain in Jenkintown. However, things begin going wrong for Gwen. Hollis promises to give her ownership of Tarot if she does not stand between him and her mother, but then Hollis reneges. Gwen returns home, a more mature girl who has learned the difference between want and need.