English & Literature
Who is Frances Duke from Call Me Anna: The Autobiography of Patty Duke and what is their importance? Call_Me_Anna English & Literature Frances Duke | Call Me Anna: The Autobiography of Patty Duke

Frances Duke is Patty Duke's mother. Frances has struggled with dark depression all her life, possibly set off by the unfortunate timing of her mother's death. Frances married John Patrick Duke and had three children, only to find herself alone when John Patrick's alcoholism became too much of a burden on the family. Frances had no skills and no way to provide for her family alone. Ray, Frances' oldest child, had done some minor acting with the Rosses as his managers. This led to Patty becoming their client, her career paying for the family's basic needs even as Frances worked as a servant for the Rosses. Patty and her mother would be estranged for many years after Patty left the Rosses, but eventually would repair their relationship and remain close through Patty's diagnosis and treatment of manic depression.