English & Literature
Who is Fanny and Tip Dorrit from Little Dorrit and what is their importance? Little_Dorrit English & Literature Fanny and Tip Dorrit | Little Dorrit

Fanny and Tip are Little Dorrit's older brother and sister. These two characters go through the novel depending upon and manipulating Little Dorrit, whether the family is wealthy or destitute. Fanny and Tip shape their lives to fit the circumstances, and throw themselves totally into whatever is required. Fanny, with the assistance of Amy, becomes an actress when they are poor; when they become rich, she uses that acting ability to catch a rich but stupid husband. Tip cannot keep any job Amy arranges for him, and ends up in the debtor prison Amy worked so hard to free him from; when wealthy, he spends freely and begins the life of a rich but useless aristocrat. Neither of Amy's siblings ever truly come to appreciate the kindness and love given so freely by Amy.