English & Literature
Who is Eugene Rochefort from The Ice Limit and what is their importance? The_Ice_Limit English & Literature Eugene Rochefort | The Ice Limit

Eugene Rochefort is EES's chief engineer, the man who designed the cradle in which the meteorite would rest while on board the Rolvaag. Rochefort also made the decision as to how to lift the meteorite out of its hole on the island and to move it to the ship. However, Rochefort underestimates how many jacks it will take to lift the meteorite. When one section of jacks fail, Rochefort volunteers to release the hydraulic fluid from those jacks to help them relax so they can add more jacks and start again. However, when the jacks begin to fall, the meteorite is knocked off balance and Rochefort is crushed by the meteorite, as is a man who had gone to help him. Glinn announces that these deaths were expected and do not change their mission.