English & Literature
Who is Elijah Jonas-Sessions from How Green Was My Valley and what is their importance? How_Green_Was_My_Valley English & Literature Elijah Jonas-Sessions | How Green Was My Valley

Elijah Jonas-Sessions was Huw's first schoolmaster at the National School. He is described as an evil, bigoted man, who hated the Welsh. While Huw was Jonas' student, he sustained a severe whipping by Mr. Jonas as a punishment for fighting. When Huw later tried to fight the same boy, Jonas puts Huw over the boy's back and brutally whipped him. As a result, Dai and Cyfartha beat Jonas, seriously injuring him, after which, Jonas was demoted to teaching the infant class. Unfortunately, Huw saw a little girl in his classroom in tears with a board chained around her neck, something that caused Huw to attack Jonas again. Ironically, we later come to learn that this man who held such hatred for the Welsh..... had actually been born in Wales.
How Green Was My Valley