English & Literature
Who is Dr. Ludmila Afanasyevna Dontsova from Cancer Ward and what is their importance? Cancer_Ward English & Literature Dr. Ludmila Afanasyevna Dontsova | Cancer Ward

Dr. Dontsova is a hardworking doctor who has firm beliefs about how to cure her cancer patients. She does not allow any deviation from what she has been taught. Her life is full of drudgery: working at the hospital all day, then shopping for the family, cooking dinner and cleaning. Dontsova represents the Soviet citizen who accepts what has been handed down from the state and lives her life without any hope of change. She does not fight the system, or even understand the people who do fight the system. Without workers like Dontsova, the Soviet Union would have failed earlier than it did. Dontsova is the head of the radiology department at the hospital, and spends far too much time near the x-rays. There are no safety measures or warnings for the doctors, so she ends up with radiation sickness. When diagnosed, she realizes she is no longer one of the wise doctors, she is one of the unknowing patients, and she does not even attempt to see her own x-rays of her tumors.