English & Literature
Who is Dr. Frock from The Relic and what is their importance? Relic_(novel) English & Literature Dr. Frock | The Relic

Dr. Frock is a scientist who specializes in plants and DNA. Dr. Frock defined the Callisto Effect, the idea that the quick change in DNA that sometimes takes place in evolution might create a creature that is unlike anything that might have been discovered before. Dr. Frock continues this theory by suggesting that occasionally when a creature has become too perfect, untouchable by any predator, a new creature might come into existence to kill these creatures. This new creature will then also die out when its prey disappears. For this reason, Dr. Frock contends that none of these evolutionary anomalies has ever been discovered. Dr. Frock becomes excited about the creature that terrorizes the museum because he believes it is an example of his Callisto Effect. For this reason, Dr. Frock does all he can do to help find this creature.