English & Literature
Who is Dr. Cunningham, Bishop Morehouse from The Iron Heel and what is their importance? The_Iron_Heel English & Literature "Dr. Cunningham

Dr. Cunningham is Avis's father, a well known and respected scientist. His invitation to Everhard to speak at a dinner party is the catalyst for the beginning of Avis's attraction to him and her being drawn into the revolutionist cause. Morehouse is a guest at that party. Everhard's presence at the dinner is also the catalyst for journeys into deeper social awareness undertaken by both men. Dr. Cunningham joyfully considers his journey a scientific experiment in sociology, while Bishop Morehouse, much less joyfully, considers his journey an exploration of the true spirit and intent of Christ. Late in the book, as the struggle for power between the Revolution and the Iron Heel is deepening, Dr. Cunningham disappears, like so many of the Revolutionists. Morehouse is believed to have disappeared also, but his body is glimpsed among the thousands of other "people of the abyss" slaughtered in the Chicago Commune.