English & Literature
Who is Dooley Barstowe from Out to Canaan and what is their importance? Out_to_Canaan English & Literature Dooley Barstowe | Out to Canaan

Dooley Barstowe is the son of Pauline Barstowe, an alcoholic who once resided in the poor area known only as the Creek. Dooley came to live with Father Tim several years prior to the beginning of this novel because his mother could no longer take care of him. Father Tim has taken his role as parent to Dooley very seriously and does all he can to care for the boy's mental and physical health. Dooley attends a private boarding school for his high school education and often spends time at Meadowgate because of his interest in veterinarian medicine. Dooley is a typical teenager, taking a summer job, hanging out with his friends, and enjoying a blooming interest in girls. Dooley spends a great deal of the summer with a girl named Jenny, but as the summer draws to an end, his interest turns to fellow Creek resident, Lace.