English & Literature
Who is Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers from For the Sake of Elena and what is their importance? For_the_Sake_of_Elena English & Literature Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers | For the Sake of Elena

Detective Sergeant Havers is Lynley's long-time partner. Barbara Havers is single and lives with her mother in Acton. Havers' father passed away eight months ago and she had a younger brother who also died. Havers' mother, who is sixty-three years old, suffers from dementia and Havers is overwhelmed caring for her mother alone. After going through a series of caretakers, Havers is considering putting her mother in an assisted living facility. The demands of police work make it impossible for Havers to be with her mother as much as Havers would like to. Havers experiences a great amount of guilt around her mother. Havers fantasizes about living in a place of her own and the freedom that comes with having her mother in a facility. Havers would like nothing more than to simply be responsible for herself.