English & Literature
Who is Cut Me Own Throat (C.M.O.T.) Dibbler from The Truth: A Novel of Discworld and what is their importance? The_Truth_(novel) English & Literature Cut Me Own Throat (C.M.O.T.) Dibbler | The Truth: A Novel of Discworld

Ankh-Morpork's most "enterprisingly unsuccessful entrepreneur" (pg. 7), Dibbler falls back whenever he fails at some other venture to selling meat by-products to the gullible public, particularly hot sausages-inna-bun. He looks rather like a rodent in his long "poacher's"coat covered in pockets and carries his cooking tray. Dibbler laments not having gotten an education like protagonist William de Worde, that he might enjoy a warm indoor job, and that he has had no luck seizing opportunities as they arise. William had been Dibbler's first "Fung Shooey" customer, but had been hit by bad karma—but not as badly as the second customer (pg. 8). Dibbler is generally a good judge of people and manages to slip around corners before being stopped by the wrong types. He tries to sell his high-class merchandise to Mr. Pin and Mr. Tulip, but the latter insists on sausage containing fingernails. Dibbler first wonders why Tulip leaves spaces in his sentences followed by "ing."