English & Literature
Who is Currituck Jack from Outer Banks Mysteries and Seaside Stories and what is their importance? Outer_Banks_Mysteries_and_Seaside_Stories English & Literature Currituck Jack | Outer Banks Mysteries and Seaside Stories

Jack is the black slave of Henry White, in the days of the American Revolution. Jack is exceptional in many ways. Physically, he is a giant, with great strength and endurance. Morally, he is gentle and kind, and a hard worker. Spiritually, he is loyal and stalwart. Jack saves up most of the money needed to buy his freedom from his master, and most of the white community expects him to soon take his place as a respected town citizen. Although he is a slave, Jack is so loyal and affectionate to his master, that Henry trusts the slave to go on dangerous ocean voyages without him. Jack is an excellent sailor, and also a formidable fighter, taking down several enemy soldiers, even after enduring a fever and days of exposure on the deck of a ship in a storm of freezing rain. When Jack is enticed by the British to betray his fellow crewmen, he resists, wanting to further the cause of American independence. Jack is clever enough, and a good enough actor, to trick the British, and also break out his crew. After Jack is honored by the Continental Congress and granted his freedom, he lives a quiet, upright life, on his own farm, with his family, who are all free.