English & Literature
Who is Crissy Carmichael from The Keepers of the House and what is their importance? The_Keepers_of_the_House English & Literature Crissy Carmichael | The Keepers of the House

Christine Carmichael was the youngest surviving child of William Howland and Margaret Carmichael Howland. She had two older siblings, but was significantly younger than them due to a lost baby in-between. As the youngest, she had ample attention from her parents. Robert and Nina had gone away to boarding schools in the north, and Crissy monopolized their time. Although she came from an interracial coupling, Crissy resembled her father, and was fair skinned just like her siblings. Crissy had curly red hair, freckles, and green eyes. William and Margaret were affectionate with Crissy, and William's granddaughter, Abigail, observed that she was the most dotted upon. Crissy was generally an agreeable child. She was intelligent like Robert, but much more outgoing. Crissy followed her older siblings into boarding school at the age of eleven.