English & Literature
Who is Count Wenceslas Steinbock from Cousin Bette: Part One of Poor Relations and what is their importance? La_Cousine_Bette English & Literature Count Wenceslas Steinbock | Cousin Bette: Part One of Poor Relations

Wenceslas Steinbock is an artist and a nobleman. A refugee from Poland, Steinbock has a great deal of talent and vision, but not much motivation to earn a living creating art. Wenceslas has a sensitive nature, as his artwork proves, but he is nonetheless undisciplined and rather easily swayed. Living as Bette Fischer's protege, Wenceslas is kept on a very short leash because of Bette's jealousy. However, living under the same roof with Bette brings Steinbock to the point of actually producing, selling and receiving commissions for art. Once away from Bette, though, Wenceslas's desire wanes. With Hortense as his loving wife, Wenceslas falls back into his old habits. He then comes under the spell of Madame Marneffe as a result of financial problems. Upon meeting the woman, Wenceslas is immediately smitten. Even after Madame Marneffe lies about being pregnant with the Count's baby, which causes Hortense to leave him, Wenceslas chooses not to resist.