English & Literature
Who is Clyde Stewart from Letters of a Woman Homesteader and what is their importance?

While we have no direct contact with the other characters besides Elinore in Letters of a Woman Homesteader, she describes her employer and later husband Clyde Stewart in detail. The early letters mock his thick Scottish accent and while the barbs continue in later years, they become gentler and more endearing with time. Elinore hides her marriage to Clyde for several years from Mrs. Coney for fear that she would disapprove due to how quickly the marriage occurred. Clyde is a forty-something widower when Elinore goes to work for him but after they are married, they have four sons, one of whom died at birth. Clyde spends his time working on his ranch and leading other ranchers on various trips, sometimes taking them on ranching expeditions for days at a time.