English & Literature
Who is Clovis Sangrail from The Penguin Complete Saki and what is their importance? The_Penguin_Complete_Saki English & Literature Clovis Sangrail | The Penguin Complete Saki

Introduced in the third section of the book with a group of short stories titled "The Chronicles of Clovis," he seems very much like Reginald. Clovis's attitude is self-absorbed, as seen in the story of "The Quest," in which he is very interested in finding out what kind of sauce is going to be served on the asparagus rather than being concerned about the child. Clovis snatches onto the idea that the child might have been taken by wild animals. He points this out to the mother, despite the fact that the mother is already very upset because her son is missing. Clovis is also seen in the section of stories titled Beasts and Super-Beasts and it is here that his last name is revealed. In this story, Clovis hears a piece of news that is incredibly fortunate for a neighbor and he congratulates her. It is noted that he might have kissed her except that he is not typically that demonstrative.