English & Literature
Who is Clive Peoples Jr. from Nobody's Fool and what is their importance? Nobody's_Fool English & Literature Clive Peoples Jr. | Nobody's Fool

Clive Peoples Jr. is the son of Miss Beryl. He is the president of the North Bath Savings and Loan and is heading a group of investors to bring a theme park to Bath. He is forty-five years old. Clive is not trusted by his mother who feels that he is always trying to tell her what to do financially and is more concerned with the real estate value of her house than with her own welfare. Clive is secretly jealous of Sully and wants his mother to have Sully move. His mother relies more on Sully than on him. He feels that the only two people in Bath that do not recognize his importance are Sully and Miss Beryl. He considers both of them to be his opponents even though he knows that they will never hurt him. It upsets him that his mother does not trust him no matter what he does to gain her trust. She never asks his advice or turns to him for help. He has always craved his parents' affection, especially his father's. Sully was one of his father's favorite students and Clive always resented this. Sully dated Joyce in high school. When he became engaged to Joyce and brought her to meet his mother, he knows that she did not approve of Joyce, even though she tells him to do whatever makes him happy. Clive is known as The Bank to the town locals. When his theme park deals falls through, Clive flees.