English & Literature
Who is Chief Tibeash from Cache Lake Country: Life in the North Woods and what is their importance? Cache_Lake_Country English & Literature Chief Tibeash | Cache Lake Country: Life in the North Woods

Chief Tibeash is the seventy-year-old chief of a Cree Indian tribe in the North Country. He spends a portion of time with his tribe, but for the most part, spends his time in his cabin on Snow Goose Lake.
The Chief is very in touch with nature and practices many of the traditions of his ancestors. He speaks both English and Cree, and he certainly is closer in identity to the Cree community. The Chief has a kind of spiritualist view of reality, in which, all animal, human and plant life are connected and must be honored.
Throughout the book, the Chief is a loyal friend. Thoughtful, helpful, and uncomplaining, the chief displays no obvious anxieties about anything. Like Jim, he is wholly at peace and happy. While the Chief is a more spiritual man, Jim and the Chief, along with Hank, maintain a deep bond and spend many years together. The Chief is Jim's teacher, but their relationship is one of equality.
Cache Lake Country: Life in the North Woods