English & Literature
Who is Cheryl Lynn Tilly from 24 Hours and what is their importance? 24_Hours English & Literature Cheryl Lynn Tilly | 24 Hours

Cheryl Lynn Tilly is Joe's wife. A former stripper, Tilly quit her occupation because of her husband's jealousy. Without income, the couple decided that they would kidnap doctors' children in order to support themselves. Cheryl's job is to keep the fathers under control until the money is transferred and delivered to Hickey. Will, however, comes to wonder why Hickey does not stay with the father rather than the money, before realizing that Hickey has sexual interest in the mothers..... something Cheryl never suspected.
Cheryl is not a smart person and she feels as though she owes Hickey for saving her from prostitution and drug abuse. However, Hickey abuses her and Cheryl is frightened of him. When Will Jennings offers to give Cheryl enough money to escape from Hickey, she hesitates because she knows Hickey will track her down and kill her. However, Cheryl does not want any harm to come to a child, so she allows Will to convince her to help him in order to prevent harm from coming to his daughter, Abby. In the end, Cheryl is shot and arrested, but Will promises to testify on her behalf at trial.
24 Hours