English & Literature
Who is Cassie Lasch from Eyes of Prey and what is their importance? Eyes_of_Prey English & Literature Cassie Lasch | Eyes of Prey

Cassie Lasch is an actress with the same community theater to which Carlo Druze belongs. Cassie is the one who found Elizabeth Armistead dead in her house. For this reason, Lucas is introduced to her at the crime scene. Later, Lucas comes across her at the theater and helps her find a piece of paper she is convinced is evidence in the murder. Lucas finds himself attracted to Cassie. In a day,Cassie and Lucas become lovers. They both know it will most likely not last long, but Cassie has suffered from the same depression Lucas is fighting and her story helps him pull out of the depression. Unfortunately, Cassie makes her relationship with Lucas public at the theater and Druze gets wind of it. Druze tells Bekker, who decides that Cassie has to die to keep from recognizing Druze as the killer. Bekker kills Druze in Cassie's apartment and then kills her, just moments before Lucas arrives to find the body.