English & Literature
Who is Carlo Druze from Eyes of Prey and what is their importance? Eyes_of_Prey English & Literature Carlo Druze | Eyes of Prey

Carlo Druze is an actor. Druze was badly burned as a small child and now has multiple disfiguring scars on his face. Druze meets Bekker in a bar and they discuss many things, including murder. Druze admits that he once killed a woman but was never caught. This causes Bekker to think about his need to be out from under his wife's thumb. Bekker and Druze make a deal in which Druze will kill Bekker's wife and, in exchange, Bekker will kill Druze's boss, Elizabeth Armistead. Unfortunately, when Druze kills Bekker's wife, she has a lover in the house with her. Bekker later orders Druze to kill Philip George, the man they both believe to be her lover. This leads to the cops finding the body quicker than they expected. To keep the cops busy, Bekker orders Druze to kill another woman to make it appear there is a serial killer on the loose. Druze likes Bekker, considers him the only friend he has ever had, and trusts him completely. Therefore, when Bekker invites him to Cassie's apartment and tells him to talk to her, Druze has no reason to fear Bekker. Bekker shoots Druze in the head, hoping to make it appear to be a suicide.