English & Literature
Who is Captain Bellodi from Il Giorno Della Civetta and what is their importance? Il_giorno_della_civetta English & Literature Captain Bellodi | Il Giorno Della Civetta

Captain Bellodi is a man of integrity, who cares about serving justice. He is from the town of Parma in Italy, but he is stationed as a police captain in Sicily. Those who are from Sicily see him as an outsider, not to be trusted. He especially bothers them, because he will not cave in to local pressure to let the most prominent citizens do as they please. Bellodi does not respect the secrecy and silence surrounding the mafia, and he is not afraid to challenge their power. He understands the system of give and take that is in place, but he still thinks that the law should be in authority. Bellodi is sly in the way he interrogates prisoners, using clever psychological methods to trick them into confessing. When Bellodi is investigating Don Arena, he gets a lot of pressure from the government to drop any charges, but he will not give in. Even though Don Arena hardly knows Bellodi, he tells Bellodi that he is truly a man, meaning that he has good character, and carries himself like a human being with dignity, and not like an animal. Even after Bellodi sees what an uphill battle it is to try to enforce justice in Sicily, he decides that he must keep trying.