English & Literature
Who is Butch Bosket from All God's Children and what is their importance?

Butch Bosket was born in 194. As the father of Willie Bosket, it is easy to see that father and son led similar but distant lives. They were both abandoned by their fathers, raised by their grandmothers, and turned to crime and violence at early ages. starting in earnest at nine years old. Butch, however, was less violent and more focused than his son. He displayed symptoms of schizophrenia and surprised the staff of the many centers with his IQ of at least 130. Most people believed him to be mentally handicapped.
Butch was imrprisoned after his conviction for murdering two men in a pawnshop in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The murders were gruesome, and Butch spent many years in prison. While in prison, however, Butch met a Jewish political activist (also a prisoner) who was in an adjacent cell. The man provided Butch with books, which in turn, led Butch to begin education courses in prison. He worked his way through both high school and college with incredibly high grades. Butch was known as an erudite writer, a thoughful student, and a computer programmer. He eventually became the first prisoner in history to go Phi Beta Kappa. On the recommendation of his professors, Butch was paroled after working his way to increasingly lower security prisons. Butch, however, was unable to avoid the violence and rage within him and eventually molested a young girl. Butch eventually died in a firefight with police.
All God's Children