English & Literature
Who is Bruce Pearson from Bang the Drum Slowly and what is their importance? Bang_the_Drum_Slowly English & Literature Bruce Pearson | Bang the Drum Slowly

Bruce Pearson is a catcher for the New York Mammoths. He is not a very good catcher, but he is an exceptionally good hitter. Most people believe that Bruce isn't very bright, and in reality, they aren't far off track. Bruce does, however, understand nature. He also lacks in manners and etiquette..... paying little attention to what he wears, randomly spitting his tobacco juice, and disgustingly peeing in the sink.
Bruce loves a prostitute named Katie, and when he learns that he is dying, he asks her to marry him. Katie agrees after he throws his enormous life insurance policy into the bargain. Because he has difficulty reading people, Bruce never realizes that people are nice to him because he is dying. He plays or sits on the bench until he can no longer do so. Bruce dies at the end of the book.
Bang the Drum Slowly