English & Literature
Who is Blue Bird's grandmother from Waterlily and what is their importance? Nymphaeaceae English & Literature Blue Bird's grandmother | Waterlily

Blue Bird is Waterlily's mother. When Blue Bird was only fourteen years old, she was on a hunting trip with her parents, two brothers, and grandmother. Blue Bird and her grandmother were out picking up beans when her family was attacked and killed. Blue Bird and her grandmother wandered alone for days until a passing camp circle took them in. The two women stayed with this camp circle for four years. In this time, Blue Bird married one of the men from the camp circle, named Star Elk. Blue Bird was very beautiful and Star Elk always thought the other men in the camp were paying too much attention to Blue Bird, and so he did not treat Blue Bird very well, not to mention he was very lazy and not a good hunter or provider for Blue Bird. Blue Bird was very unhappy with Star Elk and missed her family very much. When Blue Bird gave birth to Waterlily, Star Elk's jealousy grew worse until finally he publicly threw Blue Bird away. The elders of the camp circle knew that Blue Bird had done nothing to deserve this action, and Star Elk was so shamed by his own behavior that he left the camp circle never to be heard from again, freeing Blue Bird from her unhappy marriage.