English & Literature
Who is Beowulf, King of the Geats from The Anglo-Saxon World: An Anthology and what is their importance? The_Anglo-Saxon_World English & Literature "Beowulf

Beowulf, King of the Geats, is one of the best-known fictional characters in English literature. He has all of the traits of the ultimate Germanic hero. He is loyal, respectful, strong, and brave. Beowulf's strength, in fact, was almost superhuman. As a young man, Beowulf is brash and boastful. He is best remembered, however, for his fearlessness..... even in the face of death. Later in his life, Beowulf becomes King of the Geats. His people love him, and he is remembered as a kind, loving, and wise ruler. Beowulf continues to put the protection of his people before his own safety, and he decides to fight the dragon, regardless of his age. When Beowulf accomplishes his goal and slays the dragon, he, himself suffers a fatal bite to the neck.
The Anglo-Saxon World: An Anthology