English & Literature
Who is Ben, The Dumbwaiter from The Caretaker and the Dumb Waiter; Two Plays and what is their importance? The_Caretaker English & Literature "Ben

As the play opens, Ben and Gus are situated in a small run-down apartment. They are hired assassins and are awaiting instructions for that evening's job. Ben is obviously the leader of the criminal partnership. He comes across as much more self-assured and intelligent than his rather dense partner in crime. Ben is reading a newspaper while Gus is nervously awaiting word on their next "job." Ben keeps his nose in the paper during the majority of the play—he enjoys the articles and the distraction allows him to pay less attention to Gus, whose endless rambling is getting increasingly on his nerves. Ben shows no remorse when Gus agonizes over their last victim, a girl. The character Ben is presented as cold and calculating and in charge. Gus makes no attempt to assume any leadership role in the partnership and readily embraces a subservient position to his partner.