English & Literature
Who is Ayatollah Khomeini from Shah of Shahs and what is their importance? Shah_of_Shahs English & Literature Ayatollah Khomeini | Shah of Shahs

Ayatollah Khomeini was one of the ayatollahs, which are the highest religious leaders of the Shiite Muslim faith. He was born in the Iranian town of Qom, where he lived a simple life in a hut with very few possessions. His grand vision for Iran is that of an Islamic republic, a state that would be completely run by religious law. He accomplished his mission shortly after being named Iran's Supreme Leader in 1979.
Khomeini began his dissent partly in response to what he believed was the Shah's attachment to the West. Extremely conservative, Khomeini believed that Iran should isolate itself from the rest of the world, particularly the West, because the West is a corrupting influence.
Khomeini led the revolution with persistence and a shrewd public persona. Even while residing in exile, he effectively called for the Shah's exit from the throne. While other ayatollahs were writing books or engaging in intellectual debates, Khomeini brought his message to the people. Many of his followers called him Imam Khomeini. They believed him to be the Twelfth Imam. The Twelfth Imam was said to have retreated underground centuries ago, and he was prophesied to emerge from hiding in order to lead the world into a new era of religious devotion. Khomeini does not discourage this belief.
Shah of Shahs