English & Literature
Who is Anna Kaas from Black Cross and what is their importance? Black_Cross_(novel) English & Literature Anna Kaas | Black Cross

Anna is a nurse at Totenhausen Camp, where she assists Herr Doktor Brandt with his experiments on the prisoners, but is secretly recording each experiment in a journal so that someday the world will know what this man has done. In order to do this, she has witnessed horrible things and had to stand by and do nothing. Anna has been also secretly sending messages to the British government along with the sample of Sarin that was provided to Mark McConnell to analyze. Later, she hides Stern and McConnell in her home and helps them with their plan to bring down Totenhausen. She has written an account of each action or experiment that had taken place in the camp and provides it to McConnell, who finds the contents so disturbing he changes his mind regarding the death of the innocent in order to wipe out the Nazis of the camp. Anna places herself in danger several times throughout the mission, partially because she has a need to stop these men, but also because she carries such great guilt over what she has witnessed, she does not believe she has the right to live.