English & Literature
Who is Anna Holbrook from Yonnondio: From the Thirties and what is their importance? Yonnondio:_From_the_Thirties English & Literature Anna Holbrook | Yonnondio: From the Thirties

Anna is married to Jim, and she keeps getting pregnant. Anna was raised without much education, and married Jim young. She desperately wants a better life for her children, and wants them all to get an education. Anna tries so hard to take care of her children, but she has so little energy left that she does a bad job. When Jim beats her, she absent-mindedly beats the children. Sometimes, Anna has trouble paying any attention to what is going on around her, and she neglects her children terribly, unable to summon the mental or physical energy to take care of them. After so much poverty and stress, she is half crazy. Anna is tortured by the horrifying details of her squalid life, and when she looks around at her disgusting house, or at her children begging for medical care or food, she does not know how to begin solving her problems. After seeing posters at a health clinic, she becomes terrified of germs, sure that her children are going to get diseases, and it will be her fault for not cleaning. Anna so desperately wants her children to be happy, but she has no idea how to create a good life for them.