English & Literature
Who is Andrei Androfski from Mila 18 and what is their importance? Mila_18 English & Literature Andrei Androfski | Mila 18

Brother to Deborah Bronski, Andrei is a hot-headed Polish Army commander who loses his company during the Nazi invasion of Poland. Andrei is committed to the need to fight the Nazis and to resist their systematic persecution of the Jews but has a difficult time convincing other Zionists who hold the purse strings, specifically Alex Brandel. When it becomes clear that the Nazis intend to exterminate the Polish Jews, Andrei finally receive the assistance he needs to form a Joint Forces Jewish army, although, by this time, there is too little money to secure the arms required to launch a major offensive against the Nazis. He does receive support and direct assistance from his lover, Gabriela Rak, a Catholic who resides in the Aryan section of Warsaw. Andrei dies in a fruitless battle with Nazi forces, attempting to create a diversion so that others may take themselves and Chris De Monti to freedom.