English & Literature
Who is Andre Breton from Visions of Excess: Selected Writings, 1927-1939 and what is their importance? Visions_of_Excess:_Selected_Writings_1927-1939 English & Literature "Andre Breton | Visions of Excess: Selected Writings

Andre Breton is a contemporary of Bataille. He is an avant garde philosopher and surrealist leader. Michael Leiris introduces him to Bataille's work named "W.C." that makes Breton think Georges Bataille is obsessed. Breton is a leading French intellectual power broker but the unknown Bataille is hostile to him. Bataille uses methods of "intellectual violence" on Breton in his writing. For example, Bataille attacks Breton in his desire to revolt by soaring above but refusing to embrace the stinking decomposition of his destiny. Breton calls Bataille the "excremental philosopher" and condemns his pathological use of reasoning to the unreasonable. Breton and Bataille subsequently join forces to support the Popular Front. Breton is a main character in "Visions" to the extent he is a critical peer of Bataille and leader of the surrealists. Breton is judgmental of Bataille, thereby making himself a foil to his work and a potential replacement of his disapproving father image.