English & Literature
Who is Allan Stoekl from Visions of Excess: Selected Writings, 1927-1939 and what is their importance? Visions_of_Excess:_Selected_Writings_1927-1939 English & Literature "Allan Stoekl | Visions of Excess: Selected Writings

Allan Stoekl is the translator, editor, and writer of the introduction to "Visions of Excess." Stoekl is a French and comparative literature professor at Pennsylvania State University. He is also the author of "Agonies of the Intellectual." Allan Stoekl is of main significance to "Visions of Excess" because his understanding, comprehension, and interpretation of Bataille's written expression provides the vehicle by which English readers learn about the life and writing of this French philosopher and writer. Bataille presents his thoughts and ideas about life and the socio-economic, philosophica,l and cultural thoughts and events of his time in French. Stoekl interprets and translates Bataille's French presentation of those thoughts and ideas through the filter of his English introduction and translation.