English & Literature
Where can we see Marxism in the book Cosmopolis?
Chapter Two:
These people are a fantasy generated by the market. They don’t exist outside the market…There is no outside.
Importance: Vija Kinski says this in reference to the anti-capitalist protesters swarming the streets around Eric’s limousine. Vija remarks that while Marx believed capitalism was a self-defeating system, she believes that the malcontents of capitalism are simply another aspect of capitalism that helps to uphold the system, not weaken or defeat it.
A specter is haunting the world—the specter of capitalism.
Importance: This is one of the slogans chanted and displayed by the protesters. It is a variation on the opening lines of Karl Marx’s The Communist Manifesto. This slogan affirms the protesters’ opposition to capitalism and the exploitation represented by it. Eric becomes intrigued by the anarchistic and anti-capitalistic motivations of the protesters, and this contributes to his motivation to sabotage capitalism in his own ways.