English & Literature

What is Chapter 1 of Part 2 about in Bamboo People?

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In Chapter One, Tu Reh, a member of the Karenni tribe, is trekking through the jungle with his father Peh and other members of the tribe. It is his first mission. He recalls with anger the image of his family home being burned down by the Burmese soldiers. As they walk along, Peh points out a path that leads to the healer's hut. Suddenly, there is movement. Five Burmese soldiers dressed in their traditional green are walking nearby. Tu Reh, Peh and the others flatten themselves to the ground to hide. Reh recalls the debate his parents had about his going on the mission. His mother Mua pointed out that he was only sixteen. Peh responded that it was time to channel the anger that Tu Reh had in an appropriate direction since the house was burned down.

Tu Reh is filled with anger over the burning of his house by Burmese soldiers. He has only hate and revenge in his heart. His goal is to kill the enemy. His father was concerned about the anger that was welling up inside his son and felt that it should be channeled in the proper direction. His father was thinking of the long-term effect of his son's anger.

